Thursday, 9 February 2012

Evaluation - Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The editing software we used was Imovie. We had only ever previously used it for our preliminary task however I feel we have collectively become considerably accomplished in various aspects of editing. For example a consistent feature that runs through both pieces is our use of colour saturation in the freeze frames to create our own unique style.

We also used continuity editing and match on action; as you can see we compiled and selected our footage in a way, which makes chronological sense and fits together to prevent any jumps in movement.

We also use transitions to make our footage smooth when changing scene or adding in title clips such as fading to black. Additionally in this piece we slowed down the footage when spinning the coin in order to add to the tension, it also returns to normal speed when the victim catches it and the music kicks back in, we thought that this was successful.

We used two HD Cannon 550d cameras in this thriller and used new ideas such as manual focus changes and more experimental and purposeful camera angles. We also used tripods to steady all our shots, which I think worked effectively because the shots did not judder besides the final zoom out however we still used a tripod and this was due to the camera and we think the weather conditions. We also made sure we put into practice the 180-degree rule because when we got on set we realized we did not take it into account when designing our storyboard. This can be seen if one compares our storyboard to the final piece.

Here you can see that we tried to incorporate the golden mean into this shot by putting the car and road in line with the golden mean. Although it does not fit exactly with the correct angle we still feel it was successful in helping to frame this shot.

We learnt that lighting is also very important because it effects how well footage appears and it gives you the option of including and excluding what you want which is useful for a thriller film. We also learnt how to import and export footage from the cameras to the computer and onto the editing software and how to burn our footage onto a disc using Idvd.

Both scores used as the soundtrack were composed on garage band and written by myself at home. With garage band I was able to co ordinate a suitable sound for each section I used monotonous drones and an eerie sound to create a more intense atmosphere and the second piece I composed to fit our personal direction style and the detective theme.

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